For the pensioner
What is Needed?
Submit a completed Tax Declaration Form 1 (TD-1) to the party making the pension payment.
Where pension is received from two or more sources the … more
For the pensioner
What is Needed?
Submit a completed Tax Declaration Form 1 (TD-1) to the party making the pension payment.
Where pension is received from two or more sources the … more
In order to avoid excessive deductions from your emoluments, a TD1 is used to determine the correct tax liability of an individual employee, and must be completed and lodged with the employer - … more
2019 Tax Returns
e-Tax[440-EMO] Emolument Income Earner File on-line through e-Tax
e-Tax[400-ITR] Non-Emolument Income Earner File on-line through e-Tax
e-Tax[500-CTR] … more